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About the game


About «Mafia»

Mafia is a unique psychological role-playing game with a detective story. If you have always admired Sherlock Holmes or Miss Marple, then you have a great chance to try yourself in this role - you need to expose the insidious "mafiosi". However, do not forget that you yourself can play the role of the Mafia!In that case, you will have to be cunning and resourceful, as well as use all your acting skills: hide the tracks, blame the innocent, create false logical sequences, convince and remove any suspicion from yourself in all possible ways - prepare, you will have to feel like a "wolf in sheep's skin".


Number of players

You should not limit yourself and go into certain limits, because this game can be played from 8 to 25 people, this is one of those games where a large number of players makes the game even more interesting!

Mafia game rules: in short

  • Civilians are searching for the Mafia;

  • The Mafia "kills" a civilian every night;

  • During the day, citizens vote;

  • The Mafia is only active at night;

  • Civilians know only their own role;

  • Mafia on the contrary - knows each other by sight;

  • The game ends with the victory of the civilians when they have figured out all the Mafia members or with the victory of the Mafia when there is an equal number of Mafia and civilians left.


A Mafia appears in a peaceful city, and honest residents can no longer sleep peacefully: they need to figure out who is who and expel the entire Mafia in order to save themselves . If they fail to do so, the Mafia will take over the city and the civilians will be doomed.

The course of the game

The game is divided into two periods: day and night. During the day's discussion - exposing the Mafia - all players take part, and at night everyone "falls asleep" (puts on masks). After the host gives the command, some characters "wake up" at night and perform their role. Roles are dealt using cards that are dealt at the beginning of the game. There are many roles and rules in the Mafia, and the host of the game will help to clarify it in each case.

When the night ends, the daytime discussion begins: civilians try to figure out who the Mafia is, and the Mafia poses as honest citizens and carefully persuades the city to vote against the innocent. In the discussion, provocations, intuition, logical arguments and other techniques can be used to reveal the true intentions of the interlocutor. The more active the discussion is, the more chances civilians have to expose the criminals and save the city.

Brief description of roles

Main deck

Black camp (Mafia):

Mafia - a member of the Mafia clan, every night they take shot in a coordinated manner.

Mafia Lawyer - every night checks any player for his role. The task is to find the main role players of that peaceful city, such as a doctor, a commissioner

Red camp (peaceful city):

Civilians - They are the majority, but they do not know who is who.

Commissioner/Special Agent - An authorized representative of the peaceful city. Wakes up on his turn and checks any player if he belongs to the Mafia.

Doctor - Has the ability to heal the civilians of the city. Every night, the doctor tries to guess who the Mafia was shooting at, and points this player to the host. The doctor can also heal himself. But cannot heal the same player two nights in a row.

Gray camp

Maniac - his goal is to be alone with a civilian. Maniac wakes up at night and chooses a victim. It can be any character: a civilian, a Mafia or another representative of the gray camp.

Poisoner - has the ability to "poison" one player with poison every night. If a doctor does not visit the victim of the poisoner within 2 days, victim dies from poison. The goal of the poisoner is to deal with all party members.

Mirror - Wakes up last and points to any player. If the mirror was shot at night (no matter who it was and how many shots were fired), then the bullet goes to the player chosen by the mirror. If the mirror was not attacked or the doctor cured it, then the mirror is not dangerous for the player it points to. The mirror wins if it is left alone with the shooting role.

Additional deck

Kamikaze is a civilian. If a night shot hits him, while dying, he takes with him the one who shot him.

Madman - a civilian. If he is put up for a daytime vote, he chooses and takes with him one of those who voted against him.

Werewolf - At first, he acts on the side of a peaceful camp: he exposes the Mafia and is active only during the day. But as soon as the Mafia shoots a werewolf at night, he turns into a Mafia and starts waking up at night with them to exterminate civilians.

Immortal - a civilian who cannot be killed at night.

Putana is a peaceful resident, a woman of easy virtue, who every night chooses a client for carnal pleasures. If Putana hits a role player, she blocks his turn (because the player is busy with other things at night).

Journalist - wakes up at night and checks any two players for belonging to the same or different camps. The journalist shows the host two numbers, and the host answers him with gestures, whether these players are in one or in different teams. Representatives of the gray camp will always be in different teams with other characters. Can't compare to himself

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